
Dyscalculia is a neurodevelopmental condition that restricts a child or teen’s ability to learn and retain mathematical concepts and procedures, regardless of intellectual ability and effective classroom instruction. Specifically, Dyscalculia affects regions of the brain responsible for number relationships, calculations, mathematical reasoning, conceptualizing numbers, and/or processing numerical magnitude. Since Dyscalculia disrupts the development of foundational math skills, children often struggle to progress in math over the elementary, middle, and high school years. Challenges with math fluency may also cause difficulties with solving word problems or complex calculations because children spend so much time doing each step of the problem that their brain is preoccupied and unable to zoom out to the larger goal of the problem.

Children and teens with Dyscalculia also often develop low academic self-confidence and math anxiety, especially as they begin to recognize their learning differences. Diagnostic evaluations not only help the parents and teachers of a child with Dyscalculia better characterize that child’s academic difficulties, but they also can help the child more clearly and accurately understand their own personal strengths. Diagnosis of Dyscalculia requires a qualified professional to gather information about the child, their behavior, and environment. Dyscalculia evaluations include a combination of in-office testing procedures; questionnaires completed by parents, teachers, and children; and clinical observations.

The type, duration, and frequency of supports will vary depending on each child and the severity of their Dyscalculia. Evidence-based supports can include school-based Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 Plans. Outside tutoring and/or academic summer camps may be beneficial. Regardless of delivery in or outside of the school, explicit instruction that uses multiple modalities (e.g., visual representations, verbal explanations) and a variety of strategies in basic math skills are important. Other general accommodations, such as extra time on tests, use of a calculator, and manipulatives can also be beneficial. When children simultaneously demonstrate low academic self-esteem or anxiety around math, therapy with a trained mental health professional may help children better understand, express, and cope with their feelings.

Other posts about Dyscalculia and other specific learning disorders can be found on the WCP blog.

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