All About Emotion Regulation

All About Emotion Regulation What is emotion regulation and where do I find it?Alright, I’m guilty! I use the phrase “emotion regulation” in a lot of different scenarios and I rarely actually explain myself. Being able to regulate and manage emotions is a primary goal that I work on in therapy, but I am not[…]

Learning About Dyslexia

Learning About Dyslexia What is Dyslexia?​Dyslexia is a language-based learning difference that impacts a child’s reading skills. In many cases, a child’s basic reading skills do not develop automatically, and reading can be quite effortful for them. Children with Dyslexia often struggle with phonological awareness. Phonological awareness is a neuropsychological process that allows us to[…]

ADHD Interventions

ADHD Interventions My child just received a diagnosis of ADHD. Now what?​It’s always a lot of information to absorb, so don’t worry if you don’t remember all of the points. If you did not get all of your questions answered when you initially received the diagnosis, reach out to the provider. Write your questions down[…]

Monitoring Our Mental Health as Parents

Monitoring Our Mental Health as Parents ​Saying it’s hard to be a parent doesn’t even begin to capture it. Additional roles including working parent, caring for multiples, or caring for other family members means that a lot of us are trying to fulfill very big things with finite resources, making our mental health extremely important.[…]


Self Care People have LOTS of opinions on self-care, so let’s start by getting on the same page about what self-care is. Self-care is the basics – getting rest, eating nourishing food, and moving our bodies. At its core, self-care is just the basics. Although if I could add a higher-level function to this list,[…]

Autism Diagnosis? Now What?

Autism Diagnosis? Now What? I’m sure you got a lot of information when your provider diagnosed your child with Autism. It would be normal to be feeling overwhelmed, sad, guilty, relieved, hopeful, or all/none of these emotions. It may be difficult to know how to take action or what next steps are. Hopefully your provider[…]

What is Autism?

What is Autism This post is just scratching the surface about Autism and what a diagnosis of Autism means in a clinical context. Stay tuned for a future post about why it may be helpful to test for, and have a diagnosis of Autism, and what supports might be helpful for an Autistic individual. Is it[…]

Let Us Introduce Ourselves

Let Us Introduce Ourselves Hello! We are Wolff Child Psychology! The purpose of this blog post is to introduce you to our practice and to the intention behind starting this blog. So, let’s dive in! Wolff Child Psychology was founded by Brian Wolff, Ph.D., in 2011 and has grown over the years to 13 providers,[…]

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